GUE diving team
Fun in diving!
Our main goal is having fun together while exploring the underwater world.
Team Yellow consists of the best divers in the world. ( why the best? we have a website! )
Dive, eat, sleep, dive, bbq, drink, repeat!
TEAM YELLOW our story...
It all started with a bag and two friends taking a GUE CCR 1 course on Sardinia, Italy.
To be able to bring all our diving equipment like CCR's, DPV's, drysuits and backup materials we decided to sent these materials with a courier. Then we both went by plane with just a bag of cloths. BUT, there it went wrong... at the same moment apart from each other we bought exactly the same bag! A yellow bag to be clear! From that moment TEAM YELLOW started.
Fun fact, TEAM YELLOW divers were already diving the Hollis F1 fin with YELLOW tips xD.

Gijs D.
Diving has thaught me that everything in life is about breathing. Keeping your breathing under control, no matter what you are doing is a pretty useful skill. Breathing easily and unconsiously, allows to relax and be more aware which makes diving more enjoyable, safe and most importantly you can see more cool stuff!
Just leave bubbles!
Jeroen Walta
Larry the Lobster
Dive now work later!
Gijs Doornbusch
The Flying Dutchmen
Carpe diem!
Rogier Visser
Monsieur Crabs